Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Today through Friday I'll be serving as backup to Russ Worthington as we help DearMyrtle with her mobile coverage...

Today through Friday I'll be serving as backup to Russ Worthington as we help DearMyrtle with her mobile coverage  of the National Genealogical Society's annual family history conference in Richmond, Virginia. This may, depending on when conference interviews happen,  cause postponement or cancellation of the Hosted Chats. Thanks for your understanding.


  1. if someone still needs help and Andrew Hatchett is unavailable, please ask - I can help this week.
    Have fun Andrew!!

  2. ❤️ thanks Heather Kraafter for having Andrew Hatchett's back. It takes a village... 😊

  3. And big time kudos to Russ Worthington, Andrew Hatchett and Michael Daniels for producing the mobile HOAs today. ❤️

  4. I plan to be around for the next two days and hope to be able to be in the room at the times posted so I can help if Andrew is busy.  You are right, the village is HERE!  :)

  5. Heather Kraafter Thanks so much. I really appreciate your dedication to this community! {{HUG}}
