Friday, February 28, 2014

Please join us at 6:30PM Central Standard Time in User2User-Live!.

Please join us at 6:30PM Central Standard Time in User2User-Live!.
We will be screening  Google Plus Week featuring Dan McDermott and Chee Chew (yes- THAT Chee Chew!)

There is a new change to the community.

There is a new change to the community. The link to the daily HOA can now always be found by clicking the "Link to Today's HOA" in the categories menu in the left sidebar.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Got my popcorn and libation and I am ready for the big show... The [[Jess + Scott + You]] show that is.
So anyone wanting to come watch their Hangout click this Business hangout link and we can all watch from inside another hangout.

Should be fun:

We will be watching the Jess+Scott+You show today at around 10pm Eastern time in the USer2User community.

We will be watching the Jess+Scott+You show today at around 10pm Eastern time in the USer2User community.  If you would like to join us, we will be watching the show together in a business hangout.  Feel free to jump in

Originally shared by Jess + Scott + You

Last week we unleashed the power of the story.
Next week we'll find out about a story in the correct place and time.
This week, be it painful or blissful, stories are only effective when received.

Believe it or not, your business tells a story, and we don’t mean to your customers. We mean to you. Are you listening? Do you even know what to listen for? To do what? MORE, right? Well, what does that actually mean?

This week Jessica Dewell and Scott Scowcroft will explore what your business can tell you, and if you don’t like the storyline? Well, that’s part of this week’s show too.

Who better to help us explore and dig into this topic than Jason Frasca? He loves solving technical, operational and business inefficiencies using my unique ability to deconstruct complex problems, and leveraging technology to optimize business performance.

Whether looking for new opportunities, ways to grow, building processes, acquiring expertise…first, check in with the business. It gladly gives us information, clues, and areas to explore. Yet, we overlook this attention our business shines on us.

Receiving, or active listening, to the business will help identify low hanging fruit (easy to implement ideas), cost savings and time savings.

Let’s give our business a bit of love back through active listening - and see how we can tune in and magnify the things that could hold us back or propel us forward by learning how to listen and receive important information.

Spoiler Alert: Jason’s in depth knowledge of the how and why of Evernote  allows him to share how operational competency and narrative can touch at the deepest level to create great stories.This is one episode of the JSY! show you’ll not want to miss.

YOU (the Y in JSY) matter - come and explore this topic with us. Start the conversation now.

(We are a LATE show. Responding Yes or Maybe will set a reminder so you can catch the replay if it isn't a time you can join us live.)

*Hashtag: #JSY *

Like the topic? Know someone that will enjoy it? Invite your friends to watch too - right below these words you’ll see an Invite More button.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I am not sure if this is the way I am supposed to ask a question(s) of this fine group of people?

I am not sure if this is the way I am supposed to ask a question(s) of this fine group of people?

I have a few questions regarding Gmail or google calendar and contacts and how to effectively use them.

First question, I have set up a group within gmail but do not want the other recipients to see the email addresses or names of the others in my group. Is there a way to do this?

2. Is there a way I can have Gmail access the contacts I have on my iPhone 4S without me having to re enter each contact within gmail when I want to send an email using one of my gmail email addresses? In other words, can gmail easily access my existing iphone contacts?

I would like to use Google calendar on all of my i Devices (iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook Air) instead of the built in calendar used by all of these devices since I use ONLY G+ as my social platform.

This came up recently when Heather Kraafter sent me an event invite for a personal hangout we have scheduled. I had to manually take her invite and enter onto my iPhone since I don't regularly use the Google Calendar function. I would be open to it but don't understand how it all integrates and it is essential that any calendar items I enter onto one device automatically flow to the others. I assume Google can do this but don't know for sure.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chatting at 10pm tonight come on in if you want!

Chatting at 10pm tonight come on in if you want!

Got some cool new features coming out for business hangouts

Got some cool new features coming out for business hangouts
check this out:


I had my first Business-Hangout yesterday
I wanted to change the upper right quadrant to a logo I made. I uploaded it to my Google drive, when I clicked on the button to change it, then entered the address of it's place in the google drive it showed it, but also showed the editing tools with it. It did not show just the image...why?

Also, do I have to use an "HTTPS" to show something in that area or is it possible to show/use an "HTTP", like if I wanted to show a standard webpage to my group?

Then, I promoted a viewer to a participants it didn't show up, he also disappeared from the auditorium. He was still in the filmstrip, but was showing in the participant, viewers, or the map.

These are just a few of many questions I have, I am so lost and I am sorry for needing so much help, but I just can't seem to grasp the concepts I guess.

My little corner of the world!

My little corner of the world!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Attention European Members of User2User-LIVE!

Attention European Members of User2User-LIVE!

I am exploring the possibility of doing a weekly HOA on Saturday or Sunday for our members living in Europe.

Please let me know which day and time (GMT) would be most convenient for you if such an event were to be held.


Andy Hatchett

Logitech c920 on chromebook

Logitech c920 on chromebook

A question arose as to use of the Logitech c920 webcam on a chromebook. It appears that they are supported.

The Logitech c525 is not, to the best of my knowledge,  supported on a chromebook.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Come chat with us!

Come chat with us!
Friday night LIVE!!
Let's learn some stuff!!!!!!!

Hi Michael Daniels can you help me. i'm having jitters about setting up a SHOAE for my show tomorrow.

Hi Michael Daniels can you help me. i'm having jitters about setting up a SHOAE for my show tomorrow.

I appear to have screwed it up

i thought i'd set up a scheduled HOA but this appears to be a regular event. i think i made a mistake on the video part of it
invites have already gone out

This is a fantastic video done by Trevor Beck

This is a fantastic video done by Trevor Beck .  I helped him as the producer but it came out pretty darn good.  Nice job Trevor!

Hey let's all chat, talk have some fun ALL DAY or I am on with Andrew tonight at 9:30pm Eastern time.

Hey let's all chat, talk have some fun ALL DAY or I am on with Andrew tonight at 9:30pm Eastern time.  We can talk about anything you want to learn about a hangout.  Andrew has a hangout already going so everyone come on in and let's have a chat.  BUT please we do not want to have any fun... Just kidding, pour a cold one and let's talk Google hangouts!!

Thanks Michael Daniels for the new Graphic!

Thanks Michael Daniels for the new Graphic!