Monday, September 11, 2017

I just want to take the time to say Happy Birthday to an amazing friend I met because of Hangout and because of...

I just want to take the time to say Happy Birthday to an amazing friend I met because of Hangout and because of Google plus!

Heather Kraafter have an amazing day


  1. Wow, it seems like you know like everyone's birthdays!

    But anyhow, agree. Happy Birthday Heather Kraafter!

  2. You are the best Michael Daniels​.
    It is a great honor to be mentioned by such an awesome guy.
    You make birthdays the best!!! 🎂🍨🎂

  3. I hope you have a great birthday Heather !!!!

  4. Haappy Birthday Heather Kraafter. Haave a wonderful daay.

  5. Happy Birthday to one of the people that I'm happiest to have met . Heather Kraafter

  6. Charlotte Imbeau Roosevelt Gist Richard Clarkson Bill Graham Craig Long Mark Barrus
    Each of you are just so kind and wonderful to remember me this day. I appreciate you so much!
