Tuesday, June 9, 2015

User2User Video Vault

User2User Video Vault
8 Jun 2015, 15 videos by User2User members uploaded to YouTube


  1. Hey Andrew Hatchett how can I get us in this awesome lineup?  The YouTube channel is associated with our Page:   Jim Burwell's Petiquette.  Thank you!

  2. Leila Martin I'm subscribed to that YT channel so should get all notifications when something is updated. I just added one to the blog he did about killing flea eggs, etc in the yard with an army while he took care of the inside.

  3. Leila Martin check out http://aghbs.blogspot.com/2015/06/7-jun-2015-22-videos-by-user2user-live.html the 16th video down is Jim. As far as I know that is the only one that has been put up since I recently subscribed to his channel.

  4. aww, my error Andrew Hatchett  I looked at something different with U2U videos on it.  I should have known you would take care of that ;-)
