Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How to set up a Hangout Event

How to set up a Hangout Event
Tonight (Wednesday 8/12/2015)
Andrea Amador  a member here in User2User asked me to help her learn how to set up a hangout.  I asked her if she would mind if I share all this with you folks in User2User.
She said "you bet". 
So tonight at 7:30pm Eastern time we are going to have a hangout.
Please come watch.
I will set up an Event later.


  1. sounds fun!  and educational Michael Daniels

  2. Sorry to miss this. Can we watch recording later Michael?

  3. Yes Steffi Black​ of course. Keep in mind, sometimes when we go through the process, we create another event, so we may jump from event to event.

  4. I watched it and it was great. So very helpful!
