Saturday, October 22, 2016

Next User2User Change

Next User2User Change
behind the curtain


  1. Andrew Hatchett - Watching about the 5 minute period, Doesn't BHOA automatically handle the You Tube recording ?

  2. Not seeing the link to the BHOA. What I am watching is the embedded YouTube recording. Was looking to see what the BHOA looks like

  3. Cousin Russ The BHOA itself looks the same except for a line separating the comments in Unified Chat of one day from the next.
    BHOA automatically handles the recording once you start the BHOA and do the youtube side setup but setting up a BHOA event doesn't automatically set yu a YouTube Live Event.

  4. Andrew Hatchett - guess I am not looking at the right thing. I am not seeing the BHOA interface, only the YouTube Recording. Thank you

  5. Cousin Russ You have to be invited to a BHOA or click on an invite link. Andrew hasn't posted one but I think they are just testing.

  6. Yes- just testing before sharing any public links - hopefully will have the thing ready for tomorrow. :)
