Sunday, July 15, 2018

Just passed 21,000 views on my YouTube channel... not that views mean much anymore!

Just passed 21,000 views on my YouTube channel... not that views mean much anymore!


  1. Views lead to watch time, so sure they matter! Well done!

  2. Nice! You didn't thjnk that would happen a couple of years ago. Too Cool!

  3. Congratulations Andrew Hatchett.

    Some say views are not important. However, I think each time we get a view we have just increased our chances of helping someone. That's pretty cool and worthy of sharing and celebrating. Keep up the great work that you do.

  4. Bill Graham
    Thanks Bill,
    I was really talking about in relation to direct monetization. In relation to engagement they are very important.

  5. +Andrew Hatchet It certainly adds up quickly over time, especially when you help others and you have done that for sure. I know you have been a huge part in my gaining knowledge just as everyone here has Thanks again We are all part of a very special community like no others that I have had the honor of being a part of

  6. Art-Faux Design & Painting Inc
    Thanks for the kind words. The community is special because of the special people comprising the membership.

  7. Congratulations. I guess I had better make another video or you will beat me!
