Tuesday, June 2, 2015

1 Jun 2015, 18 videos by User2User members were uploaded to YouTube.

1 Jun 2015, 18 videos by User2User members were uploaded to YouTube.



  1. What is this feature, Andrew Hatchett ? My CHANGES videos automatically upload to my channel on YouTube after each Episode. Is this something else you're doing/collecting?

  2. Sally Sue Ember Yes, this is something new. I've subscribed to every member's video channel and then daily I post links to the public videos members uploaded, both automatically and manually, to YouTube the previous day.

    This allows any member to see what videos they may have missed the previous day.

  3. Andrew Hatchett Awesome, Andrew!  You are a champion of us HOA hosts, for sure!  Thanks!

    Will you be doing reviews or ratings, also?

  4. Sally Sue Ember , No- no reviews or ratings for the simple reason I don't have time to watch every video every day...and to pick an choose among them wouldn't be fair to everyone.

  5. Fair, Shmair! CHANGES could be your secret fave!

  6. Haha. No, we don't want you to change, Andrew Hatchett . You have the best ideas of all, and you are an honorable man of your word. We are all so grateful; it's just that people don't have the time to say it, but I know that I speak for everyone.
