Sunday, March 27, 2016

BHOA Registration Error -- Not that many people look at the BHOA Registration emails, but something caught my eye.

BHOA Registration Error -- Not that many people look at the BHOA Registration emails, but something caught my eye. The Email suggests that this person is Male, but the Profile Female. Is this what we are supposed to see ?


  1. I believe it is taking that information from their settings in the BHOA account and then again from the profile they log in with. I see this often in my lists. Because I do not require anymore info from my registrants they rarely change their account information.

  2. Heather Kraafter -- Thank you, but would this person have a BHOA account? When I looked at a couple of these, it appears that is SHOULD be coming from the online account that they  registered with, FB, G+, LinkedIn or Twitter (for us).

    Was just asking.

    Thank you,


  3. I believe the info does come from the account they sign in with. But, if that account does not specify, it defaults to male. Some folks do not like to gives this info on their profiles in the many, many social media sites

  4. Michael Daniels - Understood. When I have looked at profiles, at least on Google+ they usually chose not to state. I get that, but this specific case, and about 5 since, the profile and name reflect Female. I am just wondering IF this is problem. If we were concerned about our demographic, that would concern me. Just askin'

    Thank you,


  5. You bet.
    If you see a pattern that may be providing incorrect info, I would bring it to their attention.

  6. Michael Daniels

    I just looked at the 25 most recent registrations.

    25 Males

    Google+ About pages:

    8 Males, of 8 registrations as male

    1 Male about page did not say (but female name)

    17 Male Registrations were Female on their Google+ About pages.

    Do you need any more information ?

    Something doesn't sound right to me.

    Thank you,


  7. when a person signs up for a BHOA event, they are starting a BHOA account. When they sign in with say Google, the information gathered is based on their Google profile. If they have set that information correctly it should carry over, however I have seen conflicting information in many of the people who attend my events. 

    I also see many of the people new to using Google, do not set their profile to male/female specific.

    Just a minor observation.

  8. Heather Kraafter -- Just to make sure that I understand, what I am seeing, most of the time, is from a BHOA profile and not their G+ profile. Guess I don't remember having to do that. I thought, and I must be totally wrong, when you register from your social media platform, that information from that platform would be incorporated into the Registration. Taking that to what I think you are saying is that the BHOA also has a profile.

    Now, I am not going to suggest that our Viewers / Participants go check their BHOA Profile, but I will just forget about that field.

    Of the 25 I looked at, only 1 did not make a selection. I have seen others in the past where they preferred not to state, which if fine.

    I am only making this observation.

    Thank you,


  9. I must have received 10 more. ALL Male, according to the email. Hope no one is used the emails as an indication of who is signing up for the BHOA. Jus' sayin'

    enuf said


  10. Now, this IS interesting. ALL, and I mean ALL, over 200 Registrations from Google+ came in a Males. I just had one from Facebook, and it was appropriately marked Female. Something isn't right here. Sorry
