Sunday, March 30, 2014


This community is for all of us to help... each other.
What do you want to learn about this week?   What is on your mind that you really have been wanting to learn or practice?

What are you good at on Google plus?  What would you like to share with others here?

Please, we want this to be interactive and a place to learn.


  1. If I send you a basic spreadsheet with basic functions and tell you how I'd like it to work for me, can you help me set it up in Google Docs Spreadsheets with some cook time-saving formulas?  (I'll be back to normal internet speed starting Tuesday night.)

  2. Debi Davis of course!  You let me know what you want and I will gladly help.  If it is over my head, give me a little lead time to get some help from my friends.

  3. Michael Daniels I'm working on a piece about various microphones for use with HOAs.  It will span various mic types, and HOA device types, and various usage scenarios.  After preparing the material, I'll decide on if I should do it "live" HOA style, or produce it locally for upload.  There seems to be a need for education in this area.

  4. Michael Daniels
    I would like to learn more about the comment tracker. I can join in a hangout after 5:30 most days.
    Thank you!

  5. Michael Daniels - I will send you my Excel spreadsheet when I get back in town (tomorrow) and show you where I'm stumped.  Thanks for offering to help!

  6. John Brown you get everything set and put together and we will set up a time and get it scheduled.

  7. Sandra VanSickle  and William Chagnon  I will set this up in the next few days to a week.  It is a very common request and I will assemble a team possibly  Debi Davis and Heather Kraafter , and we will go over this process.

  8. Debi Davis sounds great.  If you would like this to be public for all to learn we can do that or if this has semi-private information, we can make it a one-on-one teaching.

  9. Thank you Michael Daniels, this would be great, I am available after 5 everyday this week except Wednesday to join you live!

  10. How about Thursday night around 7:30pm for a comment tracker session.  I will set up and event and a HOA.  Sandra VanSickle and William Chagnon  and Heather Kraafter and Andrew Hatchett

  11. is 7:30 your time? EDT?
    Michael Daniels 
    I will try to be there health willing  ;)

  12. Yes, I always talk in Eastern time!!  Sorry :(

  13. Curious about multi slide, (or ppt), usage in the upper right quadrant
