Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My most pressing question: How do I change ( edit) the time posted for a Goolge HOA?

My most pressing question: How do I change ( edit) the time posted for a Goolge HOA? I created an event for tomorrow and just realized today the time posted as EDT instead of the intended and correct CST. I went through calendar and through the event to edit with no Joy. Any thoughts?


  1. Exactly how did you set up the event? There should b e a place you specify the timezone you are in, then when people see the event page it will show them the time of their event in their local time.

  2. What Andrew Hatchett said!
    No just kidding....
    Did you set up the Event using the Google Plus left column Hover menur?
    Or did you set up (in the same menu) using the Hangout menu, what we call a SHOAE (pronounced "shoe") ?

    Even such you should be able to go to your Event under this same left side hover menu and open your event and edit it and change the time there.

  3. Thank you both for chiming in Andrew Hatchett and Michael Daniels  I just realized I pointed you in the wrong direction unintentionally. The issue I have is in Google Plus Events. I created and event to promote my BlogTalk Radio podcast. The event time when created read 7 PM (CST) or I thought it did. Now that I look back on the event, I see the time reads 7 PM(EDT). Until I gain the knowledge to edit the time for the public, I placed a note in the event stating the correct time and timezone. Would a link to the event help you help me? I do not want to post it without permission.

  4. Rayne Dowell , I went to the event on the correct page and used the carrot ( hmm, crunchy!) All it allowed was for me to change the date and note the time or time zone.

  5. No, just the date. I later read a response from this group and was taken thru step by step instruction that got my issue resolved. Thank you to all of you for pulling together and teaching me something new today. Now, my event is set to the right time and time zone! Group HUG!
