Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I am delighted to be a new member of this group and I have my first question.

I am delighted to be a new member of this group and I have my first question. Before I set up an interview for my life/career corner, I used to post the event and then post the interview I was about to do the day of the interview, so that meant two notices,  but I worried I was bombarding people with posts about my interviews instead of just providing useful information. What is this group's professional opinion? I went to do a hangouts on air last week and one person wrote that they wanted more advance notice than 10 minutes before an event so not sure what is best policy.


  1. I so appreciate this wonderful information Rayne Dowell - it is very helpful and I just connected to your google plus page. Thank you for your help.

  2. Steffi Black As Rayne Dowell mentioned, there is no one  'best practice". I usually schedule mine 7 days ahead of time so people can prepare, comment,invite others, etc. Most of my events are set up using the Business-Hangouts App. with automatic reminders  sent (usually the day before and 15 minutes before - and sometimes including 3 days before).

    A lot also depends on what the subject matter is and how well you know your audience.

    One thing to a member of User2User-LIVE! your event will be promoted in the morning summary as long as I get an invite by midnight the day before the event. You are also free to share your event in the community but please do not invite the community - thanks.

  3. Thank you Andrew. I very much appreciate this useful information and the fact the an event is promoted in morning summary. This is a fantastic resource page - I have been going through the videos provided too
