Sunday, December 31, 2017

Which would you find more useful?

Which would you find more useful?


  1. Def. open room. More wide ranging than zoom.

  2. Also can you add my personal profile to U2U notifications? Charlotte Pierce​

  3. Peeragogy Project
    Which notifications? the notifications for postings in the U2U Community or the Notification when I start the morning meeting?

  4. Both? Somehow it defaults to this account and maybe I have to just log out of it I don't know.

  5. Both would be wonderful but I feel too time intensive for you. I voted time stamped Zoom videos but wouldn't want to give up our scheduled/open meetings.

  6. I completely agree with Sheila on all three accounts. Many people look forward to your scheduled meetings. But having another room open even if unattended would be great for those of us with Oddball schedules. I think it would be great to try and see who shows up. Create more engagement for those that do not show up for the scheduled meetings

  7. I'd like to see the open room. My schedule is such that I can't always show up for the scheduled events. That's me being selfish though. Whatever benefits the community the most, I am all for.

  8. I am curious as to how many attend the scheduled meetings vs how many would take advantage of the open room... Community convenience is one thing. however, the gathering participants is an entirely different dynamic.

  9. I like both ideas.

    However, as I'm in Aussieland the open room does appeal to me more because of timezone differences... I've missed being LIVE at most sessions before. Thing is, how much would I use the opportunity as it's likely to be a bit "hit & miss" having someone else in the room at the same time!

  10. Ros Boundy
    The "Hit/Miss" part of the equation is a bit iffy.

    There would always be a 'placeholder' host to keep the room open but they may be off doing something else and unable to actually engage with whoever joined the room - It will take a bit of tinkering to get all the pieces together so no one is just left sitting alone starring at a blank screen :)

  11. Andrew Hatchett that's a great idea to have a 'placeholder' as I have experienced the blank screen ...

  12. two cents...
    I think an open room is fantabulous and a good idea might be to come into the room at the top of the hour, leave a message you were there, hangout for 10-15 minutes. Then we could see who we missed and when and if enough people followed this you might actually get in at the same time as other folks.

    A discussion may occur and then those who might just pop in whenever could pop in and find a gathering.

    At the very least try it in January.

  13. I think I've figured out a way to have my cake and eat it too! We'll see what happens tomorrow. ;)

  14. Andrew Hatchett​ can you program an informative or requested video to play when there's nobody in the room?

  15. Charlotte Pierce
    I'm not really sure but I'm not sure I'd want to do that anyway... what happens when the next person comes in and doesn't want to see/hear a video. Once a person is in the room they can watch whatever video they like on another tab/window.
