Monday, October 8, 2018

In case you haven't heard...

In case you haven't heard...
Bottom Line: G+ closing August 2019


  1. In light of the above - What Happens toUser2User-LIVE!
    Short Answer- We don't know... yet.

  2. Andrew Hatchett - Well, this is not good news. I guess the consumer's they talked about are you and I. More you than I, but I don't understand. Google+ Does what I want. I have the control that I want. I agree, from the article, about usage and interaction, at least on my Community, but Facebook just doesn't do it for me. It's too unreliable in the ability to find stuff. Perhaps Terry Leigh Britton was right, (well, of course he is) in our conversation Friday night. But, if the product isn't being used by individual consumers and profit can be made by the Enterprise Users, .... I am not sure this goes. I'll be watching for where you go from here. Not sure I have the energy to start over again. --- Thanks for the article, I think. == Russ

  3. Russ Worthington
    Maybe we need to look REAL close at the exact features in community we like most and find the closest thing to it within the Googleverse... I've a few ideas but need to do some research - :)

  4. Andrew Hatchett - I'll be watching. Thank you.

  5. I read the news and opened G+ and this post was on top of my timeline. Andrew Hatchett you are always on top of it. Thumbs up! Apparently this decision comes as a "risk" considered as "unnecessary" to keep the burden of maintenance of G+. Here's how the media is looking at it: - Google Exposed User Data, Feared Repercussions of Disclosing to Public - WSJ

  6. I am headed to VidSummit, it will be interesting to hear what some of the folks think about it.
