Thursday, February 7, 2019

Tony, I'm totally stumped.

Tony, I'm totally stumped.

I wonder if the Internet Archives or Wayback Machine would be of any help?

Originally shared by Tony Proctor

Andrew Hatchett Heh Andy, I tried to restore an 8 MB Blogger backup today, just to confirm what Blogger would do with any embedded Google+ comments. It failed miserably: My "I'm not a robot" CAPTCHA prompt kept expiring every 90 sec. This happened in both Chrome and Forefox. I was also presented with a photo-selection verification a couple of times, but it made no difference. Have you heard of that before?


  1. Tony Proctor I suggest waiting 24 hours and trying again. Also disable all extensions, in case one is interfering.

  2. Andy, did you receive my backup file? I was wondering if you got the same symptoms. I've tried several times here and still not having any success.

  3. Tony Proctor
    I've searched all my mail and don't seem to have received it. shouildbe working.

  4. Andrew Hatchett That's where I sent it, Andy. The mail system may have tried to interpret the XML. I'll try again and rename it to a TXT file. Should be there in about 5 min

  5. Tony Proctor
    File imported with no trouble.... but no comments. See - TestTony

  6. Andrew Hatchett Yeah, I looked directly at the XML and deduced that, Andy. As I posted in DearMYRTLE: since all my comments disappeared recently then it must be the case that they were ALL G+ ones. Also, that Blogger backups only include native Blogger comments and not G+ ones.

  7. Tony Proctor
    Unfortunately, it seems so. Wish I could have been of more help.
