Monday, September 29, 2014

Quick question-- If I want to see how many people have signed up for my hangout via my BHO registration, how do I do...

Quick question-- If I want to see how many people have signed up for my hangout via my BHO registration, how do I do that?


  1. Go to the hangout .  In the 4 step process you will see the 4th tab "Manage".  You can see everyone under the manage button or the View button

  2. The view button puts it in a spreadsheet like format

  3. perfect! I got it Michael Daniels - thanks :)  I'm also playing around with the slideshare feature and was wondering if there's a way to make the slide share full screen (without video capture of me)?

  4. I do not believe they have a template for slideshare only.  I rarely use it so I am not as familiar with that feature.  Perhaps Andrew Hatchett could add some input here.

  5. Lisa Engles While in slideshare in the little controller where you advance slides there should be a small 4 arrows icon- I believe that does the "full screen" function while in slideshare.

  6. She may mean without the video only the slideshow

  7. there is an icon for what Lisa's asking for, I forget what it looks like but it's in the little controller for the slides themselves when you have the slideshow overlay enabled.

  8. got it figured out-- it's the little icon with the four arrows which expands the screen and shows only the slides
