Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hi Andrew and All

Hi Andrew and All,
I wanted to report on how the tech part of my course is going. Just to remind you, you were all enormously helpful - esp Craig Long - w getting me started using Live Stream. I found a very reasonable chat. It's called pureChat which provides me with unlimited anonymous chat. So that works well.
I've already had 5 classes of my course and it is going very well.
1. However, this Monday, a few people said the LiveStream froze. They had to log out and back in - and even that didn't work. I wonder if that was a Google problem or what it could be?
2. I have another Q - I did not expect a 1 min time delay between what I say and what everyone hears. Is there a way to get rid of that?
Thanks so much!


  1. Hi,
    Glad to hear all is going pretty good... as to the problems:

    1) More than likely a network issue somewhere along the line that was completely beyond the end user's ability to fix from their end. It happens from time to time and not much can be done about it.

    2) There will always be a delay for those watching but it is usually 30-40 seconds but can vary depending on bandwidth and other variables. If you do a Hangout On Air then there is no delay for those in the film strip.

  2. Thanks for the kind words.
    I agree with Andrew about the problems you face.
    You can invite people into the Hangout and talk to them face to face on camera without any delay but anonymity will be lost if you are broadcasting an HOA and others are watching.
    Hangouts Video Calls are private of course.

  3. Thanks, Andrew and Craig. Well, this can't be a video conference-type call, so that won't work. Okay, I'll live with these issues!

  4. Dr. Deb Hirschhorn Let us know if you keep having problems.

  5. Thanks! I will. Right now it was only this past Monday. So we will see...
