Sunday, January 3, 2016

I'm doing a private hangout interview tomorrow.

I'm doing a private hangout interview tomorrow. In the area in the hangout invitation, do I still click on public? And if not, what do you recommend?


  1. Andrea Amador If you are talking about the field where is says "Audience" remove PUBLIC ( just click the X at the end) and then type in the username of your interviewee.

  2. Andrew Hatchett Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to know. I'll make that change now.

  3. Would I also get an invitation as a viewer? Am I doing something wrong if that happens?

  4. If you are hosting the HOA you shouldn't get an invite  exactly what method are you using to set up the HOA?

  5. +Andrew Thank you for your help. I am using the create a hangout link.

  6. Andrea Amador can you send me a link to the HOA you have created? It would help to see it.

  7. Sorry Andrea Amador I meant a link to the event page- not a link into the actual hangout- my bad.
    (Just so you know it did open a HOA and I was the first one there.

  8. +Andrea - as long as you do not hit the start broadcast button you can enter and leave as often as you like. It all looks god to me so all you need to do is go int HOA at the time you want to start, invite your guest into the green room, hit start broadcast and go :)

  9. Andrew Hatchett - Sounds good. Though I have already sent my guest the invite guest link to the greenroom.

  10. If you want it recorded then a totally private recording is done this way:
