Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Well let's get back to game time.

Originally shared by Michael Daniels

Well let's get back to game time.
Click this link:  https://goo.gl/u61Xb9
Come join us for Episode #59 Friday night 10pm eastern of Plusword

Come watch Debi Davis  and Andrew Hatchett match wit's with Heather Kraafter and Terry Leigh Britton 
If we can talk Phil Bowyer and Kate Bowyer to join us too, well... then they will join as well


  1. Come on U2U Community. Join us to support the teams cause you know how hard they work at -cheating winning

  2. Sheila Hensley one of my favorite parts is when Terry Leigh Britton​ lets all the time run off the clock before giving the correct answer.

  3. Mark Barrus
    Certain opponents really hate that one, though...  :-)

  4. Mine too Mark Barrus  It's like the Bonus Round in that you know it's coming but not when.

  5. <--- has no idea who Terry Leigh Britton is talking about!  ;)

  6. Sorry I missed this - it's been a long time.
