Friday, January 15, 2016

Hey everyone, my big sis is a published author on Amazon (ebook).

Hey everyone, my big sis is a published author on Amazon (ebook). Her one book is doing well but she would like to know more about where the traffic is coming from and how to maximize it.

What SaaS offerings are out there that will provide her with all of the metrics? She already uses Google Analytics. Is there similar information available that includes traffic that originates on Amazon?

She is also having trouble keeping up with social media posts. What, besides Friends+Me, is available for cross-posting/scheduled posting? She is just getting into the tracking/optimizing so is currently only interested in "free trial" or "limited" accounts that she can try out free of charge prior to committing to.


  1. Lon McClure I'm not aware of any such tracking SaS for Amazon stuff - but the I haven't looked for it either so I'll start digging.

  2. Thanks, Andrew. I'm asking in this community because we have such a diverse group here.

  3. Google analytics do not give her what she is looking for or does she need help with analytics?

  4. Mostly, she would like more information about where her Amazon sales come from and if those are leading people to her web site after the sale. I don't know what Amazon provides to authors.  She also wants to know what social networking efforts are leading to site visits and/or Amazon visits/sales.

  5. If she uses tagged URLS, like, she can track who gets to where but that's about it. No one gets sales source data from Amazon or any vendors that I've heard of, but ask Shawn Manaher​ of Book Marketing Tools​.

  6. Great info Sally Sue Ember ! I'll pass this on to her.

  7. HootSuite sounds like it may help her out by reducing the time spent posting to multiple social networks. I'll pass that on, too Michele De Socio . Thank you!
