Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hi Everyone, I have a question about reloading an edited Hangout video back to Youtube.

Hi Everyone, I have a question about reloading an edited Hangout video back to Youtube. I have a client who wants to sell a video hangout but to those who attended her webinar she wants to provide the hangout free. What is  your recommendation of how to handle this?


  1. Thank you so much for this info. Would you suggest that she place one version of the video on Vimeo and the other on Youtube? About that, I'm having trouble uploading videos to Youtube that are longer than 10 minutes or so, is there a setting that I need to change?

  2. Hi Andrea,

    The reason I suggest putting the videos for sale on Vimeo is that that Vimeo account could be linked to her Business bank account and thus avoid intermingling of personal/business funds.

    Keep the YouTube Private and only accessible to those who attended the live event.

    I haven't heard of any big YouTube glitches ...but then I rarely upload videos.

  3. Andrew Hatchett Thank you so much for this very informative and clearly written explanation of how to use Vimeo and YouTube to achieve the goals I've shared.

    But it seems that I am unable to upload video for longer lengths on YouTube. Any insights or suggestions of what to do to get my re-edited hangouts uploaded back to YouTube?

  4. You can make videos private on YouTube and share privately.
    I livestream my videos so that when I'm done presenting it's all uploaded.
