[Apparently Google won't let me plus mention 141 people in one post sooooo ...]
User2User-LIVE! is pleased to announce that the following individuals are hereby acknowledged as Participating Contributors of the community. We thank them for their encouragement and support in 2016.
"Seize"ure The Day!
Aaron Young
Adelheid Hörnlein
Andrea Amador
Andrew HatchettOwner
Andrew Ledford
Arthur Morehead
B.L. Ochman
Barbara Quick
Bill Graham
Business Hangouts
Carlo Savio
Carol Dodsley
Chad LaFarge
Charles Dunkley
Charlotte Pierce
Christina Ervin
Colin DeBre'
Cousin Russ
Craig H
Craig Long
Cynthia Gaffney
Dafne Canales Lees
Daniel Strongin
Darius Lahoutifard
Daryl Hunt
Dave Robison
Dave Williams
David F “SmallBizDavid” Leopold
Debi DavisModerator
Dennis Houska
Doris Haskell
Dr Margaret Aranda
Dr. Deb Hirschhorn
Elaine Nieberding
Elizabeth Anne
Eugene Maes
Frine Maldonado
Gary Solomon
Greg O'Brien
Heather KraafterModerator
Ileane Smith
Independent Publishers of New England
Jim Burwell
Jim Guld
Joan Jurkiewicz
Joci James
Johan Claeys
John Brown
John Jurkiewicz
John Paduchak
Julie Goucher (Anglers Rest)
Justine OBrien
Karen V Chin
Karl Lautenschlaugher
Kizzume Fowler (Stinky)
Kraaft Shaak
Krishna De
Kristin Drysdale
Le David Morris
Leila Martin
Lisa Mallard
Lise Halskov
Lon McClure
LowellAnn Fuglsang
Lynda “Lyn” Wessell
Mark Barrus
Matt Pentecost
Melinda Moses
Meloney Hall
Michael DanielsOwner
Michael Ricketts
Michael Thomas
Michele De Socio
Mike “Myke” Powers
Myste Lyn
Nana Kwame Agyemang-Duah Mensah
Nanette Church
Nazim Beltran
Niilo Alhovaara
Pat Richley-Erickson
Patrice Green
patricia A murray
Patty Burgess Brecht
Paul Butt
paulino brener
Peggy K
Philippe Desinor
Prema Q
Preston Estep
Productive Computer Systems
Ralf Siegesmund
Richard Clarkson
Rob Caldwell
Roger Mudd
Roland Takaoka
Ron Snayberger
Ronnie Bincer
Roosevelt Gist
Ros Betts
roxanne davenport
Roy del.ReyesModerator
Russ WorthingtonModerator
Sadelle Wiltshire
Sally Sue Ember
Sandra King
Sandra VanSickle
Sandy Barnett
Sandy Barnett
Scott Greenstone
Scott Scowcroft
Scott Silverstine
Shafer Power
Sheila Hensley
Sheila Strover
Shirley Yeung
Spencer Wade
Steffi Black
Stephen Q Shannon
Sue McCormick
Susan Rose
Sylvia Tabor
Teresa Williams
Terry Leigh Britton
Tessa Keough
The Peeragogy Handbook
Thomas Lengyel
Tim Connor
Tim Longwell
Tom Collins
Tony Proctor
Trevor Beck
UnifiedChat Hangout Extension
Virginia Parsons
Vivekananda Baindoor Rao
Zara Altair
Thank you, Andrew. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of your community.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the honorable mention!
ReplyDelete2016 was a great year and we will all be here in 2017 to help make it an even greater year. It's been a pleasure being in and contributing to this great community with you Andrew Hatchett.
ReplyDeleteVery cool, glad to be apart of the group, thanks for the shout-out Andrew Hatchett Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention Andrew Hatchett. I consider it an honor to be included in this list of contributors, as well as to be a part of this selfless tribe that believes collaboration is more rewarding than competition. The belief here that when one of us succeeds, we all succeed, truly exemplifies the meaning of "community".
ReplyDeleteUbuntu = "I am because we are"