Friday, December 2, 2016

Things I didn't know... #4,912

Things I didn't know... #4,912
Number of times a post has been viewed?

Originally shared by bob quarteroni

I'm kind of a moron this way, so I hope you can help. All I want is to see how many people view my posts. I've tried as best I can but I'm still out of luck. Any and all help MUCH appreciated. Thanks. Bob Quarteroni.


  1. Richard Clarkson
    Just one more reason they need to keep G+ Classic.

  2. Andrew Hatchett​​ views didn't actually show what people thought it showed. Not to mention that the accuracy wasn't always that good. People thought views showed how many people do there post. But actually it was a combination of several things, not just how many people viewed them

  3. True- but doing it this way shows number of views the picture has gotten - so you know that post has been viewed that number of times.
