Saturday, March 4, 2017

Do You Use Google Keep or want to learn about it?

Do You Use Google Keep or want to learn about it?
* DearMYRTLE's latest HOA may give you new ideas.*


  1. i'm not an expert but i use it for some lists

  2. you can also set reminders... add pictures.. draw on it etc. change the color of notes etc. let tags/labels so when you search for something it will bring up all the ones under a given tag/label.

  3. also if you have keep on a phone, a computer, a tablet etc what you see on one device will show the same on all the devices when you change something.

  4. when you set a reminder it will open the note at the time and date you set in the reminder.

  5. if you share a note, either person can make changes to the note and the other will see the changes etc.
