Spencer Wade's latest - well worth the read!
Originally shared by Spencer Wade
The Importance of About Me
Now that Google+ has made the leap to its new version, it might be a good time for a simple profile audit to identify any changes that may have taken place. If you are a new user, you can benefit from using all of the new features present in the new Google+ interface. The focus here is on the new and improved About Me page accessed through the About Tab on your profile page https://aboutme.google.com/
Opening up the About Me page, you see that there is a great deal of information you can display. Each of these fields can be filled out with your information and set to whatever audience you choose Unlike some other features, these audiences can be changed at will, so you need not worry about whether anything you share now may need to be removed, updated, or added to in the future.
Your options here range from your contact information, both work and personal, to your current place of residence You can include all of your other personal data too, if you choose, and connect your profile to all of your other sites and favorite links. This is a great way to include your online footprint in your Google+ profile. There’s also your personal tagline and your story to give even more insight into who you are. Again, all of these options have their own individual audience selectors, so only who you want to see the information will see it You have complete control with the new Google+.
Like any other social media platform, Google+ gives you the ability to share everything you want with anyone you choose to. It is all a matter of personal choice. You have the option to fill out all of the fields we discussed, some, or none of them. Share as much of yourself, or as little, as you like There is no right or wrong answer. It is your profile after all.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great day!
Thanks Andrew Hatchett Hope you are feeling better and the weather is easing up :) Thanks for your continued support!