Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A blown transformer caused loss of internet service early this morning so there was no morning Q&A Session.

A blown transformer caused loss of internet service early this morning so there was no morning Q&A Session.

Please Join Us This Evening - Tuesday, 2 Feb 2016
7:30 PM Central
Link: https://bit.ly/U2U_QandA

NOTE: If I don't open the above within 5 minutes of the starting time please use the following link to start a video call anyone can join: 

If you need to practice or need help with something but lack the time for a LIVE session, simply post a message here in the community.


  1. I was there and stood alone amongst all my friends.  If anyone else came in I would have started another.  Thanks

  2. Thanks Michael Daniels, too bad I couldn't have joined you. Maybe it was that transformer going bad that was causing all my internet flakiness lately.

  3. Blown transformer eh Andrew Hatchett. You may have to unplug some of those many plugs you have plugged in. lol

  4. I want to test some things tonight in BHOA.

  5. Usual time I guess.  Maybe at 8pm if anyone wants to join me.  That is fine.
    I will post a link soon

  6. My thanks to Lowell Ann Fuglsang, Leila Martin, Sheila Hensley, ActingClassSarantos (Ted), Bill Graham, Thomas Lengyel, and Michael Daniels for joining me in this evening's session.

  7. Andrew Hatchett I think the thanks should be coming from my direction.  I do appreciate your efforts to keep us all moving forward.

  8. Lowell Ann Fuglsang Thanks for the kind words.
