Thursday, December 18, 2014

Anyone else notice when watching a live HoA from the G+ Event Page that the comments aren't loading up all the time?

Anyone else notice when watching a live HoA from the G+ Event Page that the comments aren't loading up all the time?  I've had to refresh the browser for a whole chunk of comments to show up.  I was wondering if it might just be something with my laptop or if others have been seeing anything similar? 

And if so, has it impacted their Comment Tracker if they are inside the HoA?


  1. Charles Dunkley Michael Daniels said he's noticed that and so have i. for me at least a week

  2. Yes I noticed it today.  I actually had to get comments on my mobile so I could not have to refresh the screen and loose the hangout going on.

  3. Michael Daniels thats what happened to me on plusword. made it so i couldn't really be part of the audience.

  4. I first noticed it Monday night while on a HoA and just noticed it again about an hour ago while watching one.  Hopefully it will be something Google resolves soon.

  5. I noticed it starting yesterday. Still an issue today.

  6. I noticed it on different laptops different browsers, etc., same result: no comment. Strangely it seems to be quicker for others, as other commenters look like their comments are appearing in what seems to be close to real time. I even tried making sure I was using the latest version of Chrome, something Michael had shown me how to do a long time ago.

  7. Yes, I noticed it too.  Haven't been on a live HOA all day so don't know if it's better.
