Friday, December 12, 2014

Who Knew!!

Who Knew!!


  1. Oh, this is very nice. Thanks Andrew Hatchett

  2. Yep! Knew about this one.  There is so much more.  and all with voice commands too.

  3. How handy is this????  I'm going to use it when I can't get people off the phone.  Have the alarm sound and say, I'm so sorry but I have an appt. with another client and I need to leave right now!  Good find! Andrew Hatchett

  4. Awesome! I just spoke into my Google Now app on my Nexus 7 "timer fifteen minutes" and it set itself up and self-started just like that! Too cool! What else can we do with voice commands into search/Google Now, Michael Daniels ?

  5. How about this. .. I hear a song, I say man I wish I knew who sang that? So I say "ok google" then "what is this sang"....

    See what you get!
    I have company over and we have been doing it with Christmas song s. Find the artist and the title brought up in Google play with a chance to buy it. Pretty cool
