Saturday, December 13, 2014

This may sound like a really silly question but does anyone know if there is any data on the best time of day to do...

This may sound like a really silly question but does anyone know if there is any data on the best time of day to do an HOA. That is, do people tend to view live hangouts at a certain time of day or does it matter?


  1. Thanks Rayne Dowell . A friend and I were talking earlier and we both wondered if there was any empirical data on the issue and I just knew if there was' User2User would have it. (Or know where to find it!)

  2. John Jurkiewicz I belong to 71 Google+ Communities and it would seem from the number of invites I get to variuos events that 10AM-4PM Eastern is the most popular time slot. I know of no actual study that has been done on the subject.

  3. John Jurkiewicz - We do shows at 12 noon, Eastern, on Mondays. Have had round the world folk join the Panel. Wednesday and Saturday our shows at at 9PM Eastern. Some our Monday followers would like us to have our Wednesday and Saturday shows, every once in a while, as a UK and/or Austrailia friendly times. 

    So, I guess it depends on your audience.

    We do have many viewers watching the Recordings.

    Oh, and we usually have between 6 to 10 people on the panel on Mondays, in fact we have had to do a Scramble a number of times, We ask folks to drop off and others join.


  4. I miss most of the 'Live' HOA's due to my work day schedule.  Watching the re-broadcast is always an option, but that doesn't allow me to participate.  I'd like to see HOA's scheduled in the 'prime time' tv slots of 8 - 11 pm ET.
    Just sayin'  ;)

  5. Agree with you Tom Snyder.  People who have day time jobs are the untapped market for guest and participants alike.

  6. John Jurkiewicz too early to tell.  I know people who have regular shows who ask themselves that question all the time.  Test and try is the only suggestion I could make.  You never know who and where your audience is until you offer them options. :)
