Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Open discussion about recent community changes and suggested future changes.

Originally shared by Andrew Hatchett

Open discussion about recent community changes and suggested future changes.


  1. You'd be surprised how many people "don't even know it"

  2. I had to watch the replay and enjoyed watching it. i don't have a business but if anyone needs someone to help them test something i'd be glad to help etc.

  3. I really like the REQUEST PRACTICE HOA section

  4. Thanks richard clarkson​ that's nice of you to offer and I will take you up on that one.

  5. Correctly me if I'm wrong but I think that's what Michael and Andrew intended for this community for users to get together and share ideas practice etc. For example I'm a big Gmail user. I love it I couldn't run my business without it. There are so many cool work arounds and extensions that I can't live without

  6. Mark Barrus You are correct, that is exactly what I envisioned; helping each other to learn to use the platforms properly... and then each sharing their specialized skills and information with other members using those platforms.
