Wednesday, November 23, 2016

#3 in a series by Spencer Wade

#3 in a series by Spencer Wade
Well worth the read!

Originally shared by Spencer Wade

Your Brand & G+: Using Communities to Promote, Engage, and Influence “Pt. 3 Leveraging the Power of Google”

In our previous discussions about Google+ and your brand, we’ve touched on the many uses of user-generated content as well as the benefits of data mining your Communities. This week we’re going to look at how you – the business owner – can leverage the power of Google to improve your online efforts in a number of areas.

The first, and possibly most beneficial, use of your Google+ Communities is keyword identification. If your business advertises with Google AdWords, these keyword finds can be worth more than gold. Any marketer will tell you that a power keyword can mean serious returns on your online advertising investments. You’ll also be able to gauge consumer sentiments surrounding specific topics you post. This is priceless market research gained for nothing more than the creation of a Community!

There is a rumor out, and I suspect it to be true, that Google favors Google+ posts in search results. This means that all of the relevant, juicy content you post, and is picked up and discussed by your Community, will be indexed effectively, and lead to much greater traffic to your Community and your brand site due to your status as an authoritative leader in search engine results pages.

As you can clearly see, Google+ has the power to greatly enhance your online branding efforts for far less than any paid service could match – it’s free. It really is as simple as taking the time to create meaningful, relevant Communities tied to your goods and/or services and pushing them out for the G+ world to see.

Thanks for stopping by have a great day!


  1. And he sent me a complimentary Starbucks coffee. Thanks Spencer Wade​

  2. I love the TC series tutorials Andrew Hatchett​

  3. Mark Barrus As do I, Michael Daniels is doing a great job rounding up guests for that series.

  4. I have found it easy to rank G+ posts. Good stuff
