Monday, May 18, 2015

Hi, My name is Kai-Ashley. Introducing myself and saying hi!

Hi, My name is Kai-Ashley. Introducing myself and saying hi!

I am a transformational success coach and love helping people to overcome their fear of failure and transform their lives - it truly is my passion! I am here because I have a great desire to have my own Google HOA but don't really know where to start... Well, actually I just want to start even if I don't have an audience yet! So will be asking some questions about that....

More about me: I live in Spain, have lived in 5 countries on 3 continents over the last 8 years and traveled many more. Grew up in Australia but consider San Francisco my home, even though I don't live there anymore.

I am co-facilitating an online mastermind and about to  run my first online program to help people use the power of their mind-body connection to believe in themselves and manifest their dreams!


  1. Welcome to the community.
    Sure to be some very helpful folks here.
    It is truly a group that loves helping one another.

  2. Greetings, Kai-Ashley Clifford ! You've joined up with a wondreful group of people here.  :o)

  3. Thank you everyone for being so friendly! I look forward to participating! :)

  4. Greetings, Kai-Ashley Clifford ! Good having you with us. Indeed, it's a place full of friendly people, in an atmosphere most conducive to connecting and engaging.

