Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Google employee has asked me why I think Google+ doesn't like YouTube.

A Google employee has asked me why I think Google+ doesn't like YouTube.


Craig Long (me): The fact that G+ doesn't like YouTube being here is not a good thing in my opinion.
Danielle Buckley (Google employee): +Craig Long Say more - not sure I understand that. We love YouTube!

If you want to reply on her post this is your chance to tell Google why you miss G+ Live Events.


  1. Sadly it means nothing to say why you miss it.
    I do really miss the discovery that came from sharing YouTube videos in G+ and how those comments were a part of the video which had many long and valuable discussions associated with the video. Now it just doesn't matter at all.

    Oh well. All things change. Good or bad...There is a lot of good in the new g+. That's best to focus on.

  2. Heather Kraafter You can tell her that if you want.

  3. I miss the live events simply because you guys who use it more than I do miss it.

  4. Craig Long oh too funny. I personally hated them.

  5. The relationship between G+ and YT was more than watching videos. Event Pages offered a different kind of engagement that has yet to be improved upon or even matched. With the online world adopting the lingo so that people think we're "speaking the same language," unaware travellers do not know that 80+ % of those speaking the dialect couldn't effectively translate terms like "authentic," "genuine," and "engagement." But, the same 80+ % could tell you how to almost LOOK like you do. The value of good commenting and good live streaming paired is that the best get to be real so that people with true integrity can been seen for what they are... and fakers, too. Google is making it a little harder to stand out and deliver a UVP. But, we will adjust, and find a new way. Meanwhile, the playing field is being leveled in a way that doesn't necessarily favor better value.

  6. It isn't that G+ doesn't like YouTube.... Google believes it has a better plan for each of them, and whatever it is, it's better for Google. Whatever the case, I still appreciate that the arena is still worth the challenge.

  7. Craig Long​ I think you should explain to her - Googlers who are looking at the bigger picture may not realize how it looks from down here in the trenches.

  8. Roland Takaoka hey there...long time no chat.
    I hate to argue but I feel I must in that your statement "event pages offered a different kind of engagement that yet to be improved upon or even matched." Is not correct in my opinion.
    Events were adapted to be used as a place to hold an episode of a talk show...that was not a good function though as it was all very backwards and entirely exclusive to a G+ audience.
    If the host is in need of spamming it's potential audience with updates and invitations. ..that is backwards. If you need to be 100% on a single platform to experience it, that is backwards.

    I know for a fact that there is a service that has matched and improved upon the G+ event and I have successfully used it and my audience has enjoyed it and grown because of the multi social platform use of it.

    YouTube live only gives one new function to a live performance and that is a notification of LIVE. However, that still requires the user to turn that service on for each and every channel it wants a notification from. Still so backwards! !!
    And then, once live...chat all the horrible junk you want because the chat disappears after the live stream ends. Crazy!

    Buuuuutt....that was off topic, sorry.

    I just had to jump in to say that there is an alternative and it is very worth the effort and expense to be a much better alternative to very limited and inappropriately used feature like events in G+.

  9. I would add that after one day on the YouTube Forums, it is incredibly clear that it IS YouTube hates G+...not the other way around.

  10. Heather Kraafter​ LOL . You should have seen it when the Google+ commenting system was rolled out.

  11. Hi, Heather! You're one of the few people I really SHOULD be talking to. :o) I believe you have engagement down. However from my audience's view, or what I perceive as my audience view, I work with what low-no budget folks can get started with. The functionality - circles/invits/notifications etc. - were all good, but you're right... too closed circuit in G+. That works for me, but I need to expand my own outreach. I was always seeking the next step to take principles supported by G+/Hangouts and find logical avenues of expansion. So, this is inevitably good for us all. Good point regarding YouTube. :o)

    So, what's the alternative?

  12. Roland Takaoka Business Hangouts​
    I believe you knew that though. Lol

  13. Yes. I've been "hangin'" with Andrew and joining in that platform. I'm not a convert yet. But, indeed, it is the best alternative. No matter what we choose, the effectiveness is balanced between time investment and monetary investment. I'm going to keep looking for the cheap solutions with new methodologies. These support my prime directive for my outreach. G+ HOAs were the best starting point. Now that that point is shifting and new technologies are not to be stopped, the new way is emerging.
