Sunday, August 14, 2016

Just In Case You Missed It... Look What I Found

Just In Case You Missed It... Look What I Found

If you host a HOA you'll want to read this


  1. There we go - I had not noticed a set date earlier. Wonder if there's also a set date for the old G+ GUI getting discontinued?

  2. Niilo Alhovaara Wanna lay odds on Sept.12th??


  3. Things like this make me so grateful for 3rd party devs!

  4. Thanks Andrew Hatchett  Will G+ Events still be available? You can still use a G+ Event page and post your HOA in there I would assume?

  5. Craig Long Events aren't available in the new G+ interface. As long as the old interface is here we can still use events but once it goes *(and sooner or later it will go as Google won't maintain two interfaces forever) then events will go with them.I'm afraid.

  6. Presently you can create G+ HOA Events through YouTube, right?

  7. Andrew Hatchett I'm still using the old G+ so who knows when they will do away with that.

  8. Niilo Alhovaara Yeah and it looks like that will stay. YouTube has no event page though.

  9. It seems the 'new' G+ has no #HOA, no Events, not much of the really good stuff.. The best parts - like Photos and HOA - have been broken out. Remains to be seen what remains.

  10. Niilo Alhovaara Well at least we have a lot of young HOA supporters who use it a different way than with the multiple participants:
    That's why HOA is moving to YouTube I would imagine.

  11. We still need the participants for small usage (10) but most likely need to go a larger service after that which where you can get whacked for the big bucks. Still trying to learn more with the OBS and multi camera set up. Do you think between YouTube and OBS they will build their own "switchers" for multi cams?

  12. Probably none of us here use multiple cameras. I certainly don't.

  13. I only use the single C920 webcam thing. I'm not sure of what I feel about the HOA created through YouTube, as I find it a bit 'interesting' to keep tabs on the chat. I'm still not used to the controls/settings yet.

  14. Thanks for the info Andrew Hatchett​. Very interesting indeed.
