Friday, January 11, 2019

And yet another unannounced closing... of another Official G+ Community

And yet another unannounced closing... of another Official G+ Community

Originally shared by Edward Morbius

Google shut down the Google+ Moderators Community six weeks ago and never bothered to tell anyone

I've been trying to reach out to G+ Communities especially over the course of the shutdown, a process I'd found frustrating. There are few mechanisms for directly contacting community moderators (unlike, say Reddits "message moderators" feature), and there are few forums for G+ Community owners and moderators to get and exchange information.

One of those is the Google+ Moderators community itself, the official Google channel for mods.

I've been posting and commenting there occasionally over the course of the shutdown particularly my statistical analyses of Community size and activity. There'd been little if any response.

I thought it was simply that moderators on Google+ are apathetic. It's not that.

Six weeks ago, without informing anyone, Google effectively shut down the forum. Posts are "HfR", held for review, and unless they're approved by a moderator, they won't appear for other users. The submitter does see their posts in the community and has no indication that the post has not been submitted.

You can confirm this by viewing the community from an Incognito / unauthenticated session. Doing that just now, I realised that the forum had seen no new activity since December 10, 2018.

The two screenshots here show this. The two-column view with the visible "Sign In" button at top right, shows an Incognito view, with the most recent posts being dated 6 weeks ago. The three-column view is what I see logged in as "Edward Morbius", with several posts I've submitted in the weeks since then. I can see those. Nobody else can.

Screenshots also available via Imgur:


*And if anyone else has posted to the community in the meantime, nobody but them can see those posts either.

This is not only extremely disrespectful and poor business practice, but it's straight up low class.

Google appear to be falling apart.

The unofficial G+ Owners and Moderators Community ( does seem to be reliably available presently.

In other news: You cannot rely on the fact that posts to Google+ will be visible to other users, most especially not in Google's own Communities and spaces. Google are systematically dismantling the ability for users themselves to be informed on Google+.

If you're not using an off-Google channel for information already, start doing so NOW.

Again: there is a subreddit available at, devoted to the G+ exodus, run by me. You're strongly encouraged to use this. There are also /r/googleplus and /r/google, run by others, or other communities can be created. Please join one or more of these.

We have and will link other sites as well, and maintain a list of exodus communities:


  1. Seems this most strange- seems it is now acting as a completely open community! ODD!!

  2. I hate to say it, but Google seems hell bent on taking the "social" out of social media.

  3. I think posts have always been HfR in that community, so they probably didn't actually change anything.

  4. Peggy K YouTube is about the only reason to stick around.
    Are forums dying also? The new YouTube forum has mostly unanswered questions. It will probably end up like the YouTube Creator Community if Google can't find the people to answer the questions.

  5. Andrew Hatchett I joined the reddit group you spoke of. I had to start another account (don't know why) user name is Artmorehead

  6. Craig Long the help forum isn't dying. But it seems like the number of questions has increased significantly since the move. Also there are a high percentage of Monetization questions, and they're working on trying to get that under control.

  7. Peggy K Yes, the monetization questions should not be there at all. Isn't Creator Support where they should ask these questions?

  8. Peggy K Another question I have is:
    Is the new YouTube community a new view of the older forums or is it a completely separate community? I don't see the Best Answer badges.

  9. Craig Long it's a completely separate platform. Nothing is carried over from the old forum. There is a best answer option but it's called Recommended I think.

    Most of the Monetization questions are from people whose application is still under review. They don't have access to Creator Support and there isn't any answer for them other than to wait and keep uploading content.

  10. Peggy K I would like YouTube Premium to offer Creator Support. So you can mention that idea to a Google employee if you want. I already sent feedback about this. I'm not talking about monetizing. I just want some support if something goes wrong.
