Thursday, January 24, 2019

Just tested Google+ Exporter exporting to a wordpress 5.x format and then importing that file into an old...

Just tested Google+ Exporter exporting to a wordpress 5.x format and then importing that file into an old blog that I had... Here are the results:


  1. Andrew Hatchett I don't use wordpress but it's probably great news for those that do.

  2. Using the "blocks" format is incredible and can be easy. It could involve a bit of a learning curve, however, there are a number of "How to Videos" already on the make

  3. Thanks for sharing, Andrew Hatchett. I've been wondering how it would look but haven't had time to try it.

  4. Arthur Morehead
    I've no idea and probably won't even try since I have no self hosted site. That will be someone else's 'job' to determine.

  5. Andrew Hatchett Yes, of course I forgot about that. I will take a closer look at it later. I have my plate full enough. Since the new release of Wordpress 5.0 (Gutenburg) I found several plugins that I no longer need because of the new block platform. Out with old and in with the new. (Glad the Mrs. don't feel that way ;-)
