Sunday, January 27, 2019

Thinking of using Google Groups to replace your G+ Community?

Thinking of using Google Groups to replace your G+ Community?
Google appears to have made another unannounced change concerning the size of a Google Group

Originally shared by Filip H.F. “FiXato” Slagter

Google Groups no longer a viable alternative for large communities
From the original topic on Google Groups: «After speaking with Google support, it appears that Google has changed the rules on large groups (500-1000 users) to implement a deliberate decision (that has apparently not yet been announced) to not support large groups. The change is to simply block messages based on some unspecified criteria, and the rejection message cites spam but is not actually spam related (and the messages do not appear in a spam folder where we could try to recover them, they are just deleted), and the rejection message suggests making the group moderated (but the group is already moderated). Google support wasn't entirely clear on the details, but said that Google will be posting these changes at some point in the future on their site.
Google's suggestion was either:
- remove enough users to bring the group under 500-750 users (it's unclear how we'd do that)
- move the list to a new platform»

See!msg/sg14/FZEWCOSyFlk/MFUXyq1YDAAJ for further details.

#Plexodus #GooglePlus #GoogleGroups #GooglePlusExodus #GooglePlusAlternatives #GPlus!msg/sg14/FZEWCOSyFlk/MFUXyq1YDAAJ


  1. Wow.
    To me, it appears as if the food chain is:
    1. paying customers
    2. non profit organizations
    3. users of free services
    Google would never treat paying customers like this, would they?

    Can you spell "burning bridges"?

  2. Most private groups probably aren't nearly that large though.

  3. Peggy K, usually I'm not as inflammatory as my above comment, that's why I like GPlus so much. Am I being too harsh on Google?
    Their silence really confuses me.

  4. None of the free Google Groups that I manage are anywhere near 500 members but this still concerns me. I've converted several Yahoo Groups clubs to Google Groups over the years and would probably be tarred and feathered if things go south without having another free viable platform to easily migrate to. All of my groups are for not-for-profit clubs of one type or another but none of them fall under the protection of being a recognized non-profit org as described by govt and Google.

    May be time to start brushing up on WordPress...
