Monday, February 23, 2015

Hi Michael Daniels or Andrew Hatchett

Hi Michael Daniels or Andrew Hatchett,

I am trying to set up a private HOA for this Saturday and I keep getting a "Oops, there was an error creating your event. Please try again later." message. when I click the "share" button to my notification circle (45).  

I have shut down my PC and reboot several times in the past hour. What am I doing wrong?




  1. So this is a private HOA from YouTube? Right?

  2. No, was setting it up like last time from Create a Hangouts on Air.

  3. I have started a hangout in U2U.'
    Click the link, maybe i can help

  4. Thanks again Michael Daniels. Andrew Hatchett and Leila Martin for your help!

  5. Karen V Chin - I have had this "error creating event" happen to me several times. My description is a bit long. I found that if I only use half my description, the event will post. Then I immediately go in and edit the event, adding the rest of the description, and save. This usually works for me.
