Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sorry I missed the hangout today.

Sorry I missed the hangout today. I have a question. I'd like to convert my blog readers to join me on my Google+ page. What information do I need to share with them to get them started?


  1. one thing that helped me Andrea Amador was to create a community and make things happen there.  It was like a party happening and you had to be a special member to be in it.
    I created Community Centered HOAs that were only visible in the community (I did not do this on my own, but with the awesome help of Michael Daniels , Andrew Hatchett and Debi Davis )
    Russ Worthington and DearMYRTLE use this RIGHT NOW in their community.  It is a wonderful way to make people join G+!!

  2. Heather Kraafter Thank you so much for this insight. But another question pops up. What is the difference between inviting them to a page vs. a community?

  3. A page is an entity - a business, a group or organization.
    a community is a place where things happen and people interact with each other and post pictures and videos and share.

  4. Heather Kraafter Mmm Got it. Can I brand the page and customize it to suit my design needs?

  5. Heather Kraafter Love this. Great guidance. Thank you for the ideas and visuals. How do you determine in which circle to place someone?

  6. how do I? well, I am not a very good circle organizer so probably NOT the answer you want to hear...it all depends.  LOL

  7. Heather Kraafter
    So Maybe it really doesn't matter. Just as long as you click on add to circle? Right?

  8. there are way smarter than me people who have shared thoughts on how to organize circles, and have a flow process and so on...I just tend to look at their about page and see if I can figure out where to put them, or I add them to my KK Peeps circle because they joined the Kommunity, or U2U because they are in that community and so on.

    Some people go into a circle like - "help with HOA stuff" because they help with that stuff, or "home helpers" because they tend to post mostly home helping stuff...you get my idea I hope. ;)

  9. Andrea Amador 

    Heather Kraafter is my role model and a pretty Kraafty person. What we share is the whole notion of Community. Our audience are different but we use the tools of Google and Google+.

    My suggestion is: build your community, build the content within the community, cross post from your blog to your community (copy / pastes works well) and they will come.

    Also, and I think Heather Kraafter will concur, have a Helper, don't try to run the community by yourself. If you don't have someone to help you, maybe you have someone who follows your blog, who has a common interest, might be willing to help. That may just be accepting people into your community. But, seek some help.

    Just look want Andrew Hatchett. Sir Michael Daniels and others do in the User2User Community.

    Good luck,

