Friday, January 23, 2015

Has anyone ever put together some training on HOA etiquette?

Has anyone ever put together some training on HOA etiquette? I'm talking about what a host and guest responsibility is before and after the HOA?


  1. I know there was a HOA on the subject but can't remember who was doing it.

  2. Hi, John Jurkiewicz . I don't have a training, per se, but I do send a standard email of what I expect and provide to my guests on CHANGES and then I explain to them afterwards orally (but not on tape) what their rights are to the archived Youtube MP4 we just co-created from our HOA. You might ask Lights, Camera, HOA  peeps, like Sheila Strover , Meloney Hall and Rayne Dowell what they have already created or have or would do in the way of an actual training. Best to you!

  3. Ronnie Bincer had a Host checklist about a year ago.  Not sure if it is public and not positive if it is what you are looking for.  It was a step by step guide of how to setup the green room and  prepare guests and get organized BEFORE going live.

  4. John Jurkiewicz​ one of the things that I have noticed that a host can do is after the event to repost with timestamps signifying different subjects discussed during the event

  5. I suppose I could use some of that training... wait a minute! You weren't asking on my behalf, were you John Jurkiewicz ????? :-)

  6. I have an eguide for people that I created for my special Hangout Professionals members :)
