Monday, April 6, 2015

Hangouts on Air Hosts can use the Cameraman App to help control what live viewers see and what the recorded video...

Hangouts on Air Hosts can use the Cameraman App to help control what live viewers see and what the recorded video shows.

Originally shared by Ronnie Bincer

Controlling the Broadcast Camera for Hangouts on Air
There are many ways that the Hangout on Air (HOA) Host can control what the live viewers see and what the recorded video shows for their HOA Broadcasts.

Using the Cameraman App is just one of them, but it is an option that gives HOA Hosts important controls like showing the filmstrip or not and hiding or showing guests at certain times. The Cameraman app is working behind the scenes when you use the highlighted thumbnail menus in the attached screenshot to show or hide guests in the broadcast.

To understand all the various options for controlling the HOA Broadcast Camera, you'll want to watch both hour long presentations (part 1 & part 2) made for Hangout Mastery members.

For only $47/month Hangout Mastery members gain access to scores of private training videos like Controlling the HOA Camera.

Members can get access to this series by clicking this link:

To join us in the membership community for fast and accurate answers to your Hangouts questions as well as access to live & recorded training sessions, signup at

May your HOA presentations be a wonderful way for you to communicate your message... they can be that for you once you master the technology which is why we made the Hangout Mastery membership. Hope to see you there!
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  1. I love the Cameraman app, but find it doesn't always work for me. I've had the experience where I set it so guests' video and audio are hidden when they come in, and then have been unable to get their video to show. I've had to go back in and turn off that setting and then have the guest leave the Hangout and come back in. This doesn't happen every time, but it has happened often enough to deter me from using that particular function, which is unfortunate because I really want to use it.

  2. Sorry to hear that Meilani MacDonald... are you trying to use the Thumbnail menu highlighted here in the yellow box when you try to 'show them' when they arrive hidden & muted?

  3. Ronnie Bincer yes I am using that menu to try to show them.

  4. Meilani MacDonald well that's a bummer that it did not work for you the way it is supposed to.
