Tuesday, January 6, 2015



It was suggested that I post on User2User to learn about google+ communities that help promote our talk show. Thanks!


  1. Joanie Winberg I'm not available right now- getting ready to help my sister with a project... but, if you can give us an idea of what you want to learn about communities it can help us know which info you need.

  2. I was told there are professional  communities that will promote your hangout?

  3. Joanie Winberg I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say "professional communities".

    This community promotes HOAs which are either hosted by a community member or is featuring a community member as a guest on a HOA.

    If we receive notification of such events by 11:59PM Eastern Time each Sunday night then they are promoted in both the weekly summary of coming events posted every Monday morning as well as each daily summary.

    If we receive notification by 11:59PM Eastern time the night before the event then they get promoted in the daily summary posted every Mon-Fri.

  4. Hi Andrew Hatchett, this is great to know.  How/where do I inform you about our show?

  5. Myste Lyn You can do two things...
    1) Share it to the community under the "Member Hosted" Category
    2)Send me an invite to watch.

    That way I'll be sure and see it so I can add it to the daily summary.
