Monday, January 5, 2015

Just a reminder that Sandra VanSickle is hosting a BHOA practice session tonight at 7PM Eastern.

Just a reminder that Sandra VanSickle is hosting a BHOA practice session tonight at 7PM Eastern... here is the link to register:


  1. Andrew Hatchett​ why does it ask for your name and email addy after you click on the google+ button. Google+ knows that info already

  2. richard clarkson It  asks that because Sandra has set up her BHOA to require registration and the BHOA platform doesn't have that info until you provide it.

  3. I sneaked  in for a second tonight.  Hope you had fun.  I had to get some stuff done

  4. Michael Daniels I saw you and sent invite but didn't know if you were on the road on mobile or were back home. We are sooooooooo glad you are back. Looking forward to seeing you at tomorrow night's party! ;)

  5. Party?  Is it my birthday already!  Man at this rate I might catch up to you! ROFL
    Did you send out an invite to a party?
